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Paired Pursuit Page 9

  “We don’t at all mind sticking around,” Gareth said. To his credit, he didn’t even glance at Mari, but Patrice’s face wrinkled in amusement all the same.

  “Have fun,” she said. “Thanks for the muffins.”

  The door closed behind her, leaving an expectant silence. Across the table from them, Mari moistened her lips, carefully keeping her eyes on the table. “I should get dressed.”

  “We pushed you a little hard last night, baby. Do you need us to slow down?”

  Gareth was being diplomatic for once? Finn nearly goggled at his brother. “You’re really falling for her.”

  “Double penetration the second time we had sex was moving kind of fast. Even I can admit that. Although it was glorious.”

  “I don’t know what I need…not from a relationship, I mean. I thought I had my life figured out, but…”

  “Then you ran into us,” Finn supplied. “Now what?”

  She raised her chin to meet his gaze, her dark brown eyes apprehensive. “I need to tell you something. The man you’re looking for, Jorge Aquino, is—was—my father.”

  Finn sat up straighter, pleased she’d come clean with them. He hadn’t been looking forward to telling her they’d run her name through their databases, prying into her background.

  “Yeah, we found that out,” Gareth said. “Explains why you were pretty shifty when we mentioned our mission. Why didn’t you tell us Dr. Aquino was your father?”

  “The device could be valuable,” she said, looking down. “I…was hoping it would bring me enough money to live on until I found a suitable job. I’m not cut out for scavenging. Since I couldn’t make the rent in Flagstaff any longer, coming here was my last resort.”

  Finn and Gareth stayed silent, waiting her out. Both of them sensed she had more to say, and neither wanted to give her an easy out. After a solid minute of silence, she placed her hands on the table, tapping her fingers lightly, anxiously. She opened her mouth, closed it, then finally spoke.

  “I think searching for Dad’s device might involve leaving the City walls.”

  “Then we’ll go with you,” Gareth said instantly.

  Her shudder of relief was profound, leaving Finn no choice but to go to her. He lifted her, placing her in his lap. “Hey. What’s the matter?”

  Mari grasped his shirt as if she couldn’t help herself. Her gaze was fixed in the near distance, as if she were seeing something terrible.

  “Mari.” Gareth knelt in front of her, taking her face in his hands.

  “Carter,” she blurted. “Carter went into the barn. He—he didn’t come out. They were in there.”

  Ah, so she had witnessed—or near enough—her friend’s death? Finn stroked her back, running his fingers along the smooth, slightly worn material of her gown. “Is that why you’re so nervous?”

  She nodded, a quick jerk of her head as Gareth released her chin. “I heard them. Killing Carter.”

  Finn took a breath, inhaling the scent of her clean hair. “Wherever it’s dark, they’ll lurk. We’ve lost some good friends to those fucking aliens.”

  Mari didn’t flinch at his language, merely nodded again. “After Carter died, I was too afraid to take another job outside the walls. I… I’m a coward.”

  “You’re not a coward,” Gareth said instantly. He reached for her again, raising her chin with one large hand. “Look at me, Mari. Didn’t you board the train to Scar City?”

  “Yes, but that was out of desperation.”

  “I don’t think so. I think it was duty.” Finn felt her body tense as Gareth spoke, and smoothed another caress across the thin gown.

  “You knew your father left something here,” Gareth continued. “You thought it might be important, and you came to find it. That’s not what a coward would do.”

  “If he left the device inside a house outside the walls, I won’t have the courage to go in. I’ll have a hard enough time walking through the gates. I-I’m scared to leave the City.”

  “We’ll be with you the entire time,” Finn promised.

  Gareth backed that up with a nod. “But first, I want to hear you say it. Say you’re not a coward. Because from where I’m standing, you’re coming across as a brave woman, and damn sexy to boot. Takes a hell of a woman to deal with both of us too.”

  “I guess I’m not a coward, in that case,” she whispered, and Gareth’s expression softened. He leaned forward, pressed a kiss to her lips. Mari immediately deepened it, lacing her hand in his short black hair for a moment before she pulled away.

  “Like that, do you?” Kneeling between her spread legs, Gareth tugged her back for more, and she made a little sound of agreement against his lips. Already half-hard, Finn’s cock jumped to attention, and he shifted a little in the chair, settling Mari in a more comfortable position.

  Underneath the nightgown, she wore no bra, no underwear. Finn slid the material up, parting her legs farther as Gareth continued to kiss her. He skimmed an exploratory caress up her inner thighs—her skin was so unbelievably smooth there—and briefly lingered at her pussy, long enough to test how wet she was.

  Not that he or Gareth planned to fuck her right away. Both of them were in a playful mood, wanting to tease Mari, get to know her likes and dislikes. They hadn’t done near enough playing with her, save for those few superb hours aboard the train before it had broken down. Finn could feel her stiffness, born of self-consciousness, and resolved to soothe it away.

  He savored her shudder as he began to toy with one of her breasts, enjoying the way it filled his palm, her nipple peaked with desire. Between her legs, Gareth got his own share of caresses in, until Mari’s breathing was ragged, her hips bucking. Suddenly, she pulled away.

  “Not here…please.”

  “Upstairs, then.” Gareth’s green eyes were intense, focused. “Just so you know, though, we can hear Patrice’s cane thumping from a fair distance away. We would never have let you be seen naked.”

  “Oh.” She let out a little eek as Finn got to his feet, sweeping her up with him. Half-naked, she pressed deliciously against him. “I can walk.”

  “But I don’t want you to.” What Finn wanted was to place her against the wall and ram into her. Yet anticipation would heighten his eventual pleasure, and besides, he wanted to seduce her slowly this time. Slower than last night at least, he amended.

  “In there,” she whispered, pointing to a closed door at the top of the stairs. Gareth followed, his boots thumping on naked floorboards. The bedroom Mari occupied was simple, but thankfully the bed was queen-sized. He placed Mari in it, taking the opportunity to slip her nightgown completely off.

  “Now that’s a gorgeous sight,” he murmured, raking her with his gaze. “Don’t try to hide yourself, baby.”

  He tugged her arms down when they went to shield her breasts. “Plump the pillows,” Finn sent. “I want her propped up, but at my mercy.”

  “I’d rather be the pillow.” Gareth climbed behind Mari, cradling her upper body as she reclined against him.

  “That works.” Finn parted her legs. Anticipation had whetted his senses to a keen edge. How long had it been since his last woman?

  Long. Too long.

  “And never like this, with both of us taking part,” Gareth agreed.

  Finn only smiled as he bent forward.

  Mari writhed as Finn pressed a kiss to her inner thigh. She might have felt afraid, self-conscious, had Gareth not been supporting her, his large, warm hands roving over her body with a possessiveness that surprised her. A little jolt ran through her at the thought of being his.

  What would it be like to live with these two men as their wife? Would they always be so attentive, or would their affection dim…or worse, be diverted elsewhere?

  She was aware of Gareth’s cock pressed against the small of her back as he acted as the most comfortable pillow she’
d ever known. Lazily, he traced his way to her breasts, his breath warm against her neck as he supported her. She was aching at this point, begging to be touched. Finn breathed out against sensitive skin, prompting a little moan from her.

  “Our girl wants more,” Gareth said.

  Mari wasn’t quite at the point of begging, but she gave an agreeable wriggle. Who knew sex could be this fun? She’d thought it was yet another perk destroyed by the Invasion, since a whole lot of sex these days resulted in procreation. Birth control simply wasn’t available on the mass market anymore.

  But this was guilt-free sex, no strings. She didn’t have to jump into a relationship with them, let alone marriage. She’d just have to harden her heart so as not to get used to having them around. That way, when they ultimately left, she wouldn’t be so heartbroken.

  At least, she hoped she wouldn’t.

  Finn pressed his tongue to her clit at the same moment Gareth took her breasts in his hands, causing a spike of pleasure that arced her off the bed. She emitted a little yelp of surprise, but with lazy confidence, Finn pinned her thighs down. What he was doing with his mouth was nothing short of glorious.

  Sex Ed had never covered this. If Mrs. Jenkins even knew it was possible with two men, she’d probably have expired on the spot.

  Hell, she was going to expire if Finn kept doing that. Her giggle was overridden by a moan, and she gripped the blankets, tilting her head back until it rested against Gareth’s shoulder.

  “Relax, baby,” he murmured. “Come for us. Let it happen.”

  She couldn’t resist his voice. It catapulted her into orgasm, wiping away all thoughts of Sex Ed and birth control and relationships, and leaving her breathless and limp. For a few moments she couldn’t even distinguish one body part from another. She was simply floating, eyes closed, anchored by two sets of arms.

  When they lifted her, arranging her on her belly, she complied eagerly, opening her eyes to find Gareth’s cock in front of her. He made no demands, watching her face with vigilant, careful eyes. But Mari wasn’t willing to wait. Since she was braced on her arms, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss against the tip of his erection.

  He muttered an oath and edged closer until she was able to part her lips and slide them across his thick, smooth head. She let her tongue swirl down his shaft…and nearly bit down as Finn entered her. She was wet enough that it was done in one fell swoop, rocking her forward almost onto Gareth’s lap.

  Recovering, she took Gareth’s cock deeper, until he let out a guttural groan that brought her desire roaring back to full flame. When Finn pulled back and thrust again, she was prepared, bracing herself against the mattress. She used his thrusts to time her own movements, until Gareth touched her head in warning.

  “Gonna come. Ah God. Now.”

  Hot semen splashed across her tongue, and she quickly closed her throat to keep from choking. Somehow she managed to swallow it all, dropping her forehead to Gareth’s knee as Finn began to take her more roughly, his rhythm no longer so controlled.

  She was nearing the edge again, making little, helpless cries with her face buried in the blankets. White-hot pleasure rushed through her as Gareth thumbed caresses across her breasts, kneading them with his big hands. Then he reached farther down, fingers circling her clit as Finn pounded into her.

  The blankets dissolved as she seemed to free-fall through space and time. Her throat vibrated, but she had no idea how loudly she’d cried out. Gareth’s hands gentled and withdrew, and Finn tensed, giving one last hard thrust before pumping deep within her.

  Mari lacked the energy to raise her head. All she could do was lie there and breathe. Finn withdrew from her and she heard him getting up, the floorboards creaking under his feet.

  “No,” she murmured. Don’t leave me. Not yet.

  “We’re still here, sweetheart.” Gareth rested a hand on her head, stroking her hair. “He’ll be back in a minute.”

  And he was, returning with a washcloth which he pressed between her legs. He chuckled when she jerked, holding her still. “Wouldn’t want you sleeping in a wet spot, would we?”

  “I don’t think sleeping is in the cards until much later,” she muttered, and turned over. Her instinct to shield her body was stymied by Finn’s raised eyebrow, and she moved her arms away. “But thanks for the wet-spot-prevention technique. Do you practice it often?”

  Oops, her mouth had run away from her. She was becoming cocky again, having wilted so long under Tim’s glare. But Finn didn’t seem to mind. “Not often at all. Want a shower?”

  “Wouldn’t mind, but I’m not sure I can get up.”

  Both of them chuckled, getting her to her feet within moments. She drew the line, however, at them escorting her into the bathroom, climbing into the shower by herself and quickly washing. She had vague memories of being able to spend half an hour under a spray of hot water back when she was a teenager, but those days were over. Now the spray was little more than a lukewarm trickle, and the soap and shampoo were homemade.

  On the upside, there were no more commercials of slyly smiling female models tossing their perfect hair in those annoyingly ubiquitous shampoo advertisements.

  Once dry, Mari brushed her hair, then pulled on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. The shirt had patches on its elbows but it was hard-wearing and would keep the sun off. The outside sun. God, how was she going to manage to get herself through the gate? She was already petrified.

  The men watched her dress. They made no comment, but neither did they take their eyes off her. When she was done, they stood and followed her from the room.

  She was a little shaky going down the stairs, but the Twins remained so close that she knew one of them would catch her should she fall. It really was a massive relief to her that they’d agreed to accompany her outside the walls.

  Still, it didn’t quite quell the deep-seated panic of being in the open. Carter’s screams still echoed in the recesses of her mind, especially his last, cut-off shriek. She shivered.

  “Here.” Finn pressed a glass of water into her hands. “You should stay hydrated.”

  “Especially after what we just did.” A chair screeched as Gareth sat down beside her. Since she was looking straight at Finn, Mari didn’t miss the faint flicker of surprise in his expression as he glanced at Gareth. The corners of his lips twitched upward, and when he turned back to Mari he seemed…looser, somehow.

  Hell, she felt looser. Happy, even. Although she’d be a lot happier when this jaunt outside the City was over and done with.

  She sipped her water, drumming her fingers on the table with an excess of nervous energy. “Maybe we can put this off until tomorrow. It’s getting later, and Patrice isn’t back yet.”

  “It’s only nine,” Gareth said. “We’ll go as soon as Patrice is here, and you’ll be safe with us.”

  “Yeah. We’ll carry you back if need be.” Finn reached for the bag of muffins, cutting one of the remaining ones in half. He slid one of the halves over to her.

  The Twins had almost certainly done many out-of-City expeditions, she reminded herself. They’d hardly been fazed when the train had broken down, and they’d fought like tenth dan black belts crossed with Superman. So she forced herself to relax and nibble at the muffin.

  As she ate, they formulated a plan, the men quizzing her about her father’s habits and out-of-City trips. She was relieved they hadn’t been angry about her not telling them about her father. She tried to make up for it, telling them everything she remembered, but it was difficult to recall what life had been like here, especially since she’d only been fourteen when they’d fled.

  Even so, she easily recalled the stress her father had been under. He’d led them from the Oregon wilds to Seattle, back down to Portland. Then they’d traveled to Scar City and finally, to Flagstaff and relative safety. For much of that time, he’d muttered about aliens fol
lowing them. He and her mother had fought about it, generally in furious whispers after they thought Mari had fallen asleep.

  “He was scared,” she told the Twins. “Ever since we left our cabin for Seattle, he’d been convinced the aliens were after him—and him in particular. Mom thought he was being paranoid, that it was coincidental that the aliens mass-attacked Seattle shortly after we got there. Then when we reached Portland, it was a similar story—mass attack a week after our arrival. Then Scar City…”

  “You lived here for about two years?” Finn asked.

  Mari nodded. “Yes, and the attacks never let up. Every week the Barks tried something, and we’d been hearing on the radio that they’d generally been leaving Cities alone.”

  “Did they attack Flagstaff after you went there?” Gareth regarded her over his own glass of water.

  “No. I mean, there were random attacks, but nothing on the scale we were used to.”

  “Tell us more about Dr. Aquino being scared, please,” Finn requested. “Did he confide in you at all?”

  She shook her head. “I remember one day he went outside the City walls in the morning. When he came back, he’d found something that made him absolutely terrified.”

  Dad hadn’t admitted as much, of course, but she’d seen it in the way he carried himself, his eyes darting from side to side as if expecting an attack at any minute. He’d bolted his meager dinner and immediately left to pace the walls, not coming back until the middle of the night. The next day, her parents had fought, a loud one this time, with her mother protesting over and over that she wasn’t willing to pack up and start from scratch again.

  Yet within the week, they had taken the train to Flagstaff and done just that.

  “Where did your father go when he went outside the walls? Which direction?”